Untitled diff
1 removal
Words removed | 1 |
Total words | 130 |
Words removed (%) | 0.77 |
20 lines
1 addition
Words added | 1 |
Total words | 130 |
Words added (%) | 0.77 |
20 lines
Thank you for buying my method! Hopefully y'all can make good use of it! :)
Thank you for buying my method! Hopefully y'all can make good use of it! :)
[1] Right-click rbxLaunch.html & edit "//672249327" to your place ID. KEEP THE "//" !
[1] Right-click rbxLaunch.html & edit "//672249327" to your place ID. KEEP THE "//" !
[2] Get an auto-refresh Chrome extension.
[2] Get an auto-refresh Chrome extension.
This one is pretty good: http://twineer.com/3P8l
This one is pretty good: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/easy-auto-refresh/aabcgdmkeabbnleenpncegpcngjpnjkc
[3] Open the html file in Chrome.
[3] Open the html file in Chrome.
[4] Open the extension, and set the seconds to "15" or longer, depending on how fast your computer is.
[4] Open the extension, and set the seconds to "15" or longer, depending on how fast your computer is.
[5] Now just keep the page open!
[5] Now just keep the page open!
DISCLAIMER: Sometimes it will say something like "failed to connect to game," don't worry, it will still register the visit.
DISCLAIMER: Sometimes it will say something like "failed to connect to game," don't worry, it will still register the visit.
DISCLAIMER [2]: You must have rbxLuanchString.js in the same folder as rbxLaunch.html
DISCLAIMER [2]: You must have rbxLuanchString.js in the same folder as rbxLaunch.html
Thanks to this guy for the main source, I edited it of course to cause the loop.
Thanks to this guy for the main source, I edited it of course to cause the loop.