Untitled diff

Created Diff never expires
51 removals
Words removed139
Total words1104
Words removed (%)12.59
330 lines
10 additions
Words added19
Total words984
Words added (%)1.93
290 lines
// ******************************************************************************************
// ******************************************************************************************
// * This project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3. Copyright © 2014 A3Wasteland.com *
// * This project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3. Copyright © 2014 A3Wasteland.com *
// ******************************************************************************************
// ******************************************************************************************
// @file Version: 1.0
// @file Version: 1.0
// @file Name: setupStoreNPC.sqf
// @file Name: setupStoreNPC.sqf
// @file Author: AgentRev
// @file Author: AgentRev
// @file Created: 12/10/2013 12:36
// @file Created: 12/10/2013 12:36
// @file Args:
// @file Args:
#define STORE_ACTION_CONDITION "(player distance _target < 3)"
#define STORE_ACTION_CONDITION "(player distance _target < 3)"
#define SELL_CRATE_CONDITION "(!isNil 'R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet' && {R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet isKindOf 'ReammoBox_F'})"
#define SELL_CRATE_CONDITION "(!isNil 'R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet' && {R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet isKindOf 'ReammoBox_F'})"
#define SELL_CONTENTS_CONDITION "(!isNil 'R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet' && {{R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet isKindOf _x} count ['ReammoBox_F','AllVehicles'] > 0})"
#define SELL_CONTENTS_CONDITION "(!isNil 'R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet' && {{R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet isKindOf _x} count ['ReammoBox_F','AllVehicles'] > 0})"
#define SELL_VEH_CONTENTS_CONDITION "{!isNull objectFromNetId (player getVariable ['lastVehicleRidden', ''])}"
#define SELL_VEH_CONTENTS_CONDITION "{!isNull objectFromNetId (player getVariable ['lastVehicleRidden', ''])}"
#define SELL_BIN_CONDITION "(cursorTarget == _target)"
#define SELL_BIN_CONDITION "(cursorTarget == _target)"
private ["_npc", "_npcName", "_startsWith", "_building"];
private ["_npc", "_npcName", "_startsWith", "_building"];
_npc = _this select 0;
_npc = _this select 0;
{ _npc disableAI _x } forEach ["MOVE","FSM","TARGET","AUTOTARGET"];
_npcName = vehicleVarName _npc;
_npcName = vehicleVarName _npc;
_npc setName [_npcName,"",""];
_npc setName [_npcName,"",""];
_npc allowDamage false;
_npc allowDamage false;
{ _npc disableAI _x } forEach ["MOVE","FSM","TARGET","AUTOTARGET"];
_npc enableSimulation false;
if (hasInterface) then
if (hasInterface) then
_startsWith =
_startsWith =
private ["_needle", "_testArr"];
private ["_needle", "_testArr"];
_needle = _this select 0;
_needle = _this select 0;
_testArr = toArray (_this select 1);
_testArr = toArray (_this select 1);
_testArr resize count toArray _needle;
_testArr resize count toArray _needle;
(toString _testArr == _needle)
(toString _testArr == _needle)
switch (true) do
switch (true) do
case (["GenStore", _npcName] call _startsWith):
case (["GenStore", _npcName] call _startsWith):
_npc addAction ["<img image='client\icons\store.paa'/> Open General Store", "client\systems\generalStore\loadGenStore.sqf", [], 1, true, true, "", STORE_ACTION_CONDITION];
_npc addAction ["<img image='client\icons\store.paa'/> Open General Store", "client\systems\generalStore\loadGenStore.sqf", [], 1, true, true, "", STORE_ACTION_CONDITION];
case (["GunStore", _npcName] call _startsWith):
case (["GunStore", _npcName] call _startsWith):
_npc addAction ["<img image='client\icons\store.paa'/> Open Gun Store", "client\systems\gunStore\loadgunStore.sqf", [], 1, true, true, "", STORE_ACTION_CONDITION];
_npc addAction ["<img image='client\icons\store.paa'/> Open Gun Store", "client\systems\gunStore\loadgunStore.sqf", [], 1, true, true, "", STORE_ACTION_CONDITION];
case (["VehStore", _npcName] call _startsWith):
case (["VehStore", _npcName] call _startsWith):
_npc addAction ["<img image='client\icons\store.paa'/> Open Vehicle Store", "client\systems\vehicleStore\loadVehicleStore.sqf", [], 1, true, true, "", STORE_ACTION_CONDITION];
_npc addAction ["<img image='client\icons\store.paa'/> Open Vehicle Store", "client\systems\vehicleStore\loadVehicleStore.sqf", [], 1, true, true, "", STORE_ACTION_CONDITION];
_npc addAction ["<img image='client\icons\money.paa'/> Sell crate", "client\systems\selling\sellCrateItems.sqf", [false, false, true], 0.99, false, true, "", STORE_ACTION_CONDITION + " && " + SELL_CRATE_CONDITION];
_npc addAction ["<img image='client\icons\money.paa'/> Sell crate", "client\systems\selling\sellCrateItems.sqf", [false, false, true], 0.99, false, true, "", STORE_ACTION_CONDITION + " && " + SELL_CRATE_CONDITION];
_npc addAction ["<img image='client\icons\money.paa'/> Sell contents", "client\systems\selling\sellCrateItems.sqf", [], 0.98, false, true, "", STORE_ACTION_CONDITION + " && " + SELL_CONTENTS_CONDITION];
_npc addAction ["<img image='client\icons\money.paa'/> Sell contents", "client\systems\selling\sellCrateItems.sqf", [], 0.98, false, true, "", STORE_ACTION_CONDITION + " && " + SELL_CONTENTS_CONDITION];
_npc addAction ["<img image='client\icons\money.paa'/> Sell last vehicle contents", "client\systems\selling\sellVehicleItems.sqf", [], 0.97, false, true, "", STORE_ACTION_CONDITION + " && " + SELL_VEH_CONTENTS_CONDITION];
_npc addAction ["<img image='client\icons\money.paa'/> Sell last vehicle contents", "client\systems\selling\sellVehicleItems.sqf", [], 0.97, false, true, "", STORE_ACTION_CONDITION + " && " + SELL_VEH_CONTENTS_CONDITION];
if (isServer) then
if (isServer) then
_building = nearestBuilding _npc;
_npc setVariable ["storeNPC_nearestBuilding", netId _building, true];
_facesCfg = configFile >> "CfgFaces" >> "Man_A3";
_facesCfg = configFile >> "CfgFaces" >> "Man_A3";
_faces = [];
_faces = [];
for "_i" from 0 to (count _facesCfg - 1) do
for "_i" from 0 to (count _facesCfg - 1) do
_faceCfg = _facesCfg select _i;
_faceCfg = _facesCfg select _i;
_faceTex = toArray getText (_faceCfg >> "texture");
_faceTex = toArray getText (_faceCfg >> "texture");
_faceTex resize 1;
_faceTex resize 1;
_faceTex = toString _faceTex;
_faceTex = toString _faceTex;
if (_faceTex == "\") then
if (_faceTex == "\") then
_faces pushBack configName _faceCfg;
_faces pushBack configName _faceCfg;
_face = _faces call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_face = _faces call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_npc setFace _face;
_npc setFace _face;
_npc setVariable ["storeNPC_face", _face, true];
_npc setVariable ["storeNPC_face", _face, true];
private "_nearestBuilding";
sleep 0.1;
_nearestBuilding = _npc getVariable "storeNPC_nearestBuilding";
!isNil "_nearestBuilding"
_building = objectFromNetId _nearestBuilding;
if (isNil "_building" || {isNull _building}) then
_building = nearestBuilding _npc;
_building allowDamage true;
for "_i" from 1 to 99 do { _building setHit ["glass_" + str _i, 1] }; // pre-break the windows so people can shoot thru them
_building allowDamage false; // disable building damage
if (isServer) then
if (isServer) then
removeAllWeapons _npc;
removeAllWeapons _npc;
waitUntil {!isNil "storeConfigDone"};
waitUntil {!isNil "storeConfigDone"};
if (_x select 0 == _npcName) exitWith
if (_x select 0 == _npcName) exitWith
private "_frontOffset";
private "_frontOffset";
//collect our arguments
//collect our arguments
_npcPos = _x select 1;
_npcPos = _x select 1;
_deskDirMod = _x select 2;
_deskDirMod = _x select 2;
if (typeName _deskDirMod == "ARRAY" && {count _deskDirMod > 0}) then
if (typeName _deskDirMod == "ARRAY" && {count _deskDirMod > 0}) then
if (count _deskDirMod > 1) then
if (count _deskDirMod > 1) then
_frontOffset = _deskDirMod select 1;
_frontOffset = _deskDirMod select 1;
_deskDirMod = _deskDirMod select 0;
_deskDirMod = _deskDirMod select 0;
_storeOwnerAppearance = [];
_storeOwnerAppearance = [];
if (_x select 0 == _npcName) exitWith
if (_x select 0 == _npcName) exitWith
_storeOwnerAppearance = _x select 1;
_storeOwnerAppearance = _x select 1;
} forEach (call storeOwnerConfigAppearance);
} forEach (call storeOwnerConfigAppearance);
_type = _x select 0;
_type = _x select 0;
_classname = _x select 1;
_classname = _x select 1;
switch (toLower _type) do
switch (toLower _type) do
case "weapon":
case "weapon":
if (_classname != "") then
if (_classname != "") then
diag_log format ["Applying %1 as weapon for %2", _classname, _npcName];
diag_log format ["Applying %1 as weapon for %2", _classname, _npcName];
_npc addWeapon _classname;
_npc addWeapon _classname;
case "uniform":
case "uniform":
if (_classname != "") then
if (_classname != "") then
diag_log format ["Applying %1 as uniform for %2", _classname, _npcName];
diag_log format ["Applying %1 as uniform for %2", _classname, _npcName];
//_npc addUniform _classname;
//_npc addUniform _classname;
_npc forceAddUniform _classname;
_npc forceAddUniform _classname;
case "switchMove":
case "switchMove":
if (_classname != "") then
if (_classname != "") then
diag_log format ["Applying %1 as switchMove for %2", _classname, _npcName];
diag_log format ["Applying %1 as switchMove for %2", _classname, _npcName];
_npc switchMove _classname;
_npc switchMove _classname;
} forEach _storeOwnerAppearance;
} forEach _storeOwnerAppearance;
_pDir = getDir _npc;
_pDir = getDir _npc;
private "_bPos";
private "_bPos";
switch (toUpper typeName _npcPos) do
_bPos = getPosATL _npc;
case "SCALAR":
_bPos = _building buildingPos _npcPos;
case "ARRAY":
_bPos = _npcPos;
_bPos = _building buildingPos _npcPos;
if (!isNil "_frontOffset") then
if (!isNil "_frontOffset") then
_bPos = _bPos vectorAdd ([[0, _frontOffset, 0], -_pDir] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D);
_bPos = _bPos vectorAdd ([[0, _frontOffset, 0], -_pDir] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D);
if (_bPos isEqualTo [0,0,0]) then
_bPos = getPosATL _npc;
_npc setPosATL _bPos;
_desk = [_npc, _bPos, _pDir, _deskDirMod] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "server\functions\createStoreFurniture.sqf";
_desk = [_npc, _bPos, _pDir, _deskDirMod] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "server\functions\createStoreFurniture.sqf";
_npc setVariable ["storeNPC_cashDesk", netId _desk, true];
_npc setVariable ["storeNPC_cashDesk", netId _desk, true];
sleep 1;
sleep 1;
_bbNPC = boundingBoxReal _npc;
_bbNPC = boundingBoxReal _npc;
_bbDesk = boundingBoxReal _desk;
_bbDesk = boundingBoxReal _desk;
_bcNPC = boundingCenter _npc;
_bcNPC = boundingCenter _npc;
_bcDesk = boundingCenter _desk;
_bcDesk = boundingCenter _desk;
_npcHeightRel = (_desk worldToModel (getPosATL _npc)) select 2;
_npcHeightRel = (_desk worldToModel (getPosASL _npc)) select 2;
// must be done twice for the direction to set properly
// must be done twice for the direction to set properly
for "_i" from 1 to 2 do
for "_i" from 1 to 2 do
_npc attachTo
_npc attachTo
((_bcNPC select 1) - (_bcDesk select 1)) +
((_bcNPC select 1) - (_bcDesk select 1)) +
((_bbNPC select 1 select 1) - (_bcNPC select 1)) -
((_bbNPC select 1 select 1) - (_bcNPC select 1)) -
((_bbDesk select 1 select 1) - (_bcDesk select 1)) + 0.1,
((_bbDesk select 1 select 1) - (_bcDesk select 1)) + 0.1,
_npc setDir 180;
_npc setDir 180;
detach _npc;
detach _npc;
sleep 1;
sleep 1;
_npc enableSimulation false;
_npc enableSimulation false;
_desk enableSimulationGlobal false;
_desk enableSimulationGlobal false;
} forEach (call storeOwnerConfig);
} forEach (call storeOwnerConfig);
if (isServer) then
if (isServer) then
_npc setVariable ["storeNPC_setupComplete", true, true];
_npc setVariable ["storeNPC_setupComplete", true, true];
// Add sell box in front of counter
// Add sell box in front of counter
if (hasInterface) then
if (hasInterface) then
waitUntil {sleep 1; _npc getVariable ["storeNPC_setupComplete", false]};
waitUntil {sleep 1; _npc getVariable ["storeNPC_setupComplete", false]};
_desk = objectFromNetId (_npc getVariable ["storeNPC_cashDesk", ""]);
_desk = objectFromNetId (_npc getVariable ["storeNPC_cashDesk", ""]);
_face = _npc getVariable ["storeNPC_face", ""];
_face = _npc getVariable ["storeNPC_face", ""];
if (_face != "") then
if (_face != "") then
_npc setFace _face;
_npc setFace _face;
if (!isNull _desk) then
if (!isNull _desk) then
_desk spawn
_desk spawn
_desk = _this;
_desk = _this;
_createSellBox =
_createSellBox =
_deskOffset = (getPosASL _desk) vectorAdd ([[-0.05,-0.6,0], -(getDir _desk)] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D);
_deskOffset = (getPosASL _desk) vectorAdd ([[-0.05,-0.6,0], -(getDir _desk)] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D);
_sellBox = "Box_IND_Ammo_F" createVehicleLocal ASLtoATL _deskOffset;
_sellBox = "Box_IND_Ammo_F" createVehicleLocal ASLtoATL _deskOffset;
_sellBox allowDamage false;
_sellBox allowDamage false;
_sellBox setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", true];
_sellBox setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", true];
_sellBox setVariable ["A3W_storeSellBox", true];
_sellBox setVariable ["A3W_storeSellBox", true];
_sellBox setObjectTexture [0, ""]; // remove side marking
_sellBox setObjectTexture [0, ""]; // remove side marking
clearBackpackCargo _sellBox;
clearBackpackCargo _sellBox;
clearMagazineCargo _sellBox;
clearMagazineCargo _sellBox;
clearWeaponCargo _sellBox;
clearWeaponCargo _sellBox;
clearItemCargo _sellBox;
clearItemCargo _sellBox;
// must be done twice for the position to set properly
// must be done twice for the position to set properly
for "_i" from 1 to 2 do
for "_i" from 1 to 2 do
_sellBox setVelocity [0,0,0];
_sellBox setVelocity [0,0,0];
_sellBox setVectorDirAndUp [[vectorDir _desk, -90] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D, [0,0,1]];
_sellBox setVectorDirAndUp [[vectorDir _desk, -90] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D, [0,0,1]];
_sellBox setPosASL _deskOffset;
_sellBox setPosASL _deskOffset;
_boxPos = getPos _sellBox;
_boxPos = getPos _sellBox;
if (_boxPos select 2 > 0) then
if (_boxPos select 2 > 0) then
_boxPosASL = getPosASL _sellBox;
_boxPosASL = getPosASL _sellBox;
_boxPosASL set [2, (_boxPosASL select 2) - (_boxPos select 2)];
_boxPosASL set [2, (_boxPosASL select 2) - (_boxPos select 2)];
_sellBox setPosASL _boxPosASL;
_sellBox setPosASL _boxPosASL;
_sellBox addAction ["<img image='client\icons\money.paa'/> Sell bin contents", "client\systems\selling\sellCrateItems.sqf", [true], 1, false, false, "", STORE_ACTION_CONDITION + " && " + SELL_BIN_CONDITION];
_sellBox addAction ["<img image='client\icons\money.paa'/> Sell bin contents", "client\systems\selling\sellCrateItems.sqf", [true], 1, false, false, "", STORE_ACTION_CONDITION + " && " + SELL_BIN_CONDITION];
_boxPos = getPosATL _sellBox;
_boxPos = getPosATL _sellBox;
_boxVecDir = vectorDir _sellBox;
_boxVecDir = vectorDir _sellBox;
_boxVecUp = vectorUp _sellBox;
_boxVecUp = vectorUp _sellBox;
private ["_sellBox", "_boxPos", "_boxVecDir", "_boxVecUp"];
private ["_sellBox", "_boxPos", "_boxVecDir", "_boxVecUp"];
call _createSellBox;
call _createSellBox;
while {true} do
while {true} do
sleep 5;
sleep 5;
if (!alive _sellBox) then
if (!alive _sellBox) then
deleteVehicle _sellBox;
deleteVehicle _sellBox;
call _createSellBox;
call _createSellBox;
if ((getPosATL _sellBox) vectorDistance _boxPos > 0.1 ||
if ((getPosATL _sellBox) vectorDistance _boxPos > 0.1 ||
{(vectorDir _sellBox) vectorDistance _boxVecDir > 0.1} ||
{(vectorDir _sellBox) vectorDistance _boxVecDir > 0.1} ||
{(vectorUp _sellBox) vectorDistance _boxVecUp > 0.1}) then
{(vectorUp _sellBox) vectorDistance _boxVecUp > 0.1}) then
_sellBox setPosATL _boxPos;
_sellBox setPosATL _boxPos;
_sellBox setVectorDirAndUp [_boxVecDir, _boxVecUp];
_sellBox setVectorDirAndUp [_boxVecDir, _boxVecUp];