SlashPing 1.0.5 -> 1.0.6

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24 lines
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38 lines
# Slash-Ping 1.0.5
# SlashPing 1.0.6
# Support HEX color for 1.16+ versions

ping-self: "#e69296Your ping is #c8a2c8%ping% #e69296ms."
# HEX Colour Support
# This plugin supports HEX codes on 1.16+ servers.
# Example: "#e69296Your ping is #c8a2c8%ping% #e69296ms."

# PlaceholderAPI Support
# Use the placeholder %slashping_ping% on PAPI-compatible plugins
# to display normalised ping values.

ping-self: "&6Your ping is &c%ping% &6ms."
ping-others: "&c%name%&6's ping is &c%ping% &6ms."
ping-others: "&c%name%&6's ping is &c%ping% &6ms."

## triggered if the target is offline or has exemption permission
# This message is triggered when the target is offline
# or has the exempt permission.
ping-failed: "&cError: &4You cannot ping that person."
ping-failed: "&cError: &4You cannot ping that person."

# normalised ping = max ( round down ( original ping * multiplier + offset ), 0 )
# Ping Normalisation Strategies
# offset can be a negative decimal value
# Result 1 = Original Value * Multiplier + Offset
ping-multiplier: 0.8
# Result 2 = Extract the integral part from Result 1
ping-offset: 0
# Normalised Value = Get the maximum of the 2: Result 2, Lower Bound
ping-multiplier: 0.8 # float or integer; non-negative
ping-offset: 0 # float or integer; most likely 0 or negative
ping-minimum: 0 # integer; non-negative (a.k.a. Lower Bound)

ping-syntax: "&cSyntax: /ping [name]"
ping-syntax: "&cSyntax: /ping [name]"
reload-syntax: "&cSyntax: /pingreload"
reload-syntax: "&cSyntax: /pingreload"

no-permission: "&8(&4&l!&8) &6Unknown Command."
no-permission: "&8(&4&l!&8) &6Unknown Command."
no-permission-self: "&cYou do not have permission to ping yourself."
no-permission-self: "&cYou do not have permission to ping yourself."
no-permission-others: "&cYou do not have permission to ping others."
no-permission-others: "&cYou do not have permission to ping others."

reload-config: "&6SlashPing Config Reloaded."
reload-config: "&6SlashPing Config Reloaded."

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