Untitled diff
170 removals
16 lines
175 additions
16 lines
1st line: Number 124 (MRGOABABD)
1st Line: Number 124 (MRGOABABD)
2nd line: This is a mistake and crossed out (MLIAOI)
2nd Line: Is a mistake and crossed out (MLIAOI)
3rd line: IORSN Keijo 16 (NTBIMPANETP)
3rd Line: IORSN Keijo K16 (NTBIMPANETP)
4th line: Naser beset c (MLIABOAIAQc)
4th Line: Naser beset c (MLIABOAIAQc)
5th line: Soon open 5? Omer (ITTMTSAM5TGAB)
5th line: Soon open 5? Omer (ITTMTSAM5TGAB)
Explanation: Line number 1: Number 124, this represents a numbered cable sent by Moscow to its Russian Emnbassy in Canberra Australia, between the months of August and September 1948. The number fits in exactly with the Venona Cables released on the net by America. The last one released by America in the Australia stream is from Moscow to Canberra Cable Number 104 dated 5th June 1948. The Russians numbered each of their cables sent starting with the number 1, at the beginning of each new year. So if it took till June 1948 to reach number 104, then the average is about 17 cables per month (give or take). So August to September 1948 would be very close to being right for number 124. The Russian codes in these cables were broken by the Americans early 1948 and it remained a TOP SECRET that they had been broken for at least 30 years. It became known as the Venona Project (It’s on the net)
Explanation: Line 1 Number 124 this represents a numbered cable sent by Moscow to its Russian Embassy in Canberra Australia, between the months of August and October 1948. The number fits in exactly with the Venona Cables released on the net by America. The last one released by America in the Australian Stream is from Moscow to Canberra Cable No 104 dated 5th June 1948. The Russians numbered each of their cables sent starting with the number 1 at the beginning of each year. So if it took till the 5th June 1948 to get to No 104 that averages about 17 cables per month (give or take) so August to September 1948 would be very close to being right for Number 124. The Russian codes in these Cables were broken by the Americans and it remained a TOP SECRET that they had been broken, for at least 20 years It became known as the Venona Project.(Its on the net)
Line Number 2: This is a mistake, the writer started to write the 4th line here made a mistake realised it was the wrong section (above the line) and crossed it off.
Line No 2. This is a mistake the writer started to write the 4th line made a mistake and crossed it out
Line Number 3: IORSN Keijo 16. The IROSN stands for ‘independent online radio station network’ it is an Acronym (Google it!) Keijo, is the name given to Seoul in Korea in the early 1900′s when Japan ‘annexed’ Korea and they renamed Seoul ‘Keijo’ Keijo was the name the whole world used till 1946 when Japan was dispossessed of Korea and VERY slowly the word reverted back to Seoul. ’16′ I believe is a site in Keijo known only to the Commonist Spy Networks in Australia and Keijo. This line is probably ordering a Radio Network for area 16.
Line No 3. IORSN Keijo 16.a, The IORSN stands for Independent on Line Radio Station Network it is an Acronym (Google it!).b. Keijo, is the name given to Seoul in Korea in the early 1900's when Japan took over Korea and renamed Seoul Keijo. That was the name the world used till about 1946 when Japan was dispossessed of Korea and VERY SLOWLY the name reverted back to Seoul. c, 'K16' Is a Korean/American Airforce Base situated near Seoul (Keijo) In this substitution code 'P' = K AND P is the 16th letter of the alphabet. So only the letter P had to be written at the end of this 3rd line to make it read K 16 This line is probably ordering an illegal secret Communist Radio Network for site 'K16', or it is advising the Australian Spy Network what type of communication system exists at K 16, the Airforce Base. This would then allow the Australian spy network to build some sort of secret communist interception device so base communications could be secretly listened into by Russia/North Korea.
Line number 4: Naser Beset c, Naser I believe might be a Russian Code word for Australian Army Intelligence. In 1948 in Australia a Secret Russian Communist Spy Leader named Walter Sneddon Clayton (Russian Code Names ‘c’ and ‘Klod’) had managed to infiltrate many Australian Government Departments with dozens of communist spies. The Departments were leaking like sieves. Clayton was also involved with Communist Unions and with people working at the CSIRO in Sydney. One other Communist by the name of Wilbur Christiansen (Russian Code name ‘Master’) was one of the worlds leading radio physicists. Clayton was reported as saying ‘Christiansen is working on a special project for the Communist Party and doing a good job of it’. There were also other prominant Communists working with Christiansen. Christianson, I believe, may have been building secret illegal radio/communication equipment to help the Russian/Chinese/North Korean’s. With the help of Clayton, the Australian Communist Maritime Unions and others they were exporting illegal radios etc to North Korea to help it prepare for its 1950 invasion of South Korea. The Russians were known to have very poor radio equipment. In 1948, another Australian Communist spy who had worked in the Department of External Affairs in Canberra was transferred to the UN in New York. His name was Ian Milner (Russian Code name ‘Bur’). In 1948 Milner spent considerable time in Korea in Seoul (Keijo) working for the UN, I believe he was probably busy setting up secret North Korean Spy Networks in Seoul, in preparation for the 1950 invasion. What ever he and Christiansen were up to they were up to no good. I believe this cable number 124 is Milner ordering a radio network for Keijo 16, from Christiansen. The FBI in New York hold a file on Milner which they refuse to release. Also in 1948 the Australian Attorney General Dr Evatt, who is now suspected of being a Russian Spy, was Secretary of the UN. and Head of the Department of External Affairs in Canberra. He and Milner worked together at the UN and in Canberra. Australia was leaking so much that America stopped sharing its classified information with it for some years. Also in about June 1948 two army officers were visiting Christiansens workshop inspecting radios etc when Christiansen and a Dr Green tried to extract secret army radio codes from them. The two officers reported back to their Commander who called in Army Intelligence (?Naser). Army Intelligence then demanded an investigation into Christiansen and Green. Up to that point, another secret Communist spy (yes there were 1000′s of them) by the name of Alfred Hughes (Russian Code name ‘Ben’) was in charge of the Communist Investigation Branch of the Commonwealth Investigation Services in Sydney. His job was to look at and report on any Communist activity!! Up till the two army officers complaint he had been able to sweep a lot of things under the mat, but this time he was unable to do anything, Army Intelligence (Naser?) were in control. So the warning in the code: “Naser beset c” If Army intelligence got onto Christiansen and Green, then Clayton who had very close ties with them would be next! As it happened, nothing happened anyway. The small ‘c’ at end end of the 4th Line is clearly defined and written in the Omar Code. It is the way the Russians referred to Clayton. ‘Beset’ means to harass. If Army Intelligence (Naser?) got onto Christiansen & Green then Clayton would be next, he had very close ties with them.
4th Line: Naser Beset c. Naser I believe is a Russian Code word dedicated to possibly Australian Army Intelligence. In 1948 in Australia a Russian Communist Spy Ring leader by the name of Walter Snedden Clayton,(Russian Code Names 'c' and 'klod') had managed to infiltrate and recruit from many Australian Government Departments dozens of Communist spies - the Departments were leaking like sieves. Clayton also was involved with Communist controlled Unions and with some people working for the then CSIRO in Sydney, one a Communist by the name of Wilbur Christiansen (Russian Code Name "Master") was the world's leading Radio Physicist. Clayton was reported as saying Christiansen was working on a 'special project' for the Communist Party and doing a 'good job of it' There were other very prominant Communists also working with Christiansen. Christiansen I believe may have been building illegal radios/communications/radar etc to help Russia/North Korea who had very poor radio equipment or building some sort of secret Communist interception device to listen into K16 Airforce base. I believe with the help of Clayton, the Aust. Communist Maritime Unions and others they were shipping illegal radios etc to Korea to help North Korea prepare for the 1950 invasion of the South. In 1948, Another Australian Russian Spy who came from the Australian Department of External Affairs, and who in 1948 was posted to the UN in New York, was one Ian Milner (Russian Code Name 'Bur"). In 1948 Milner spent considerable time in Keijo (Seoul) working for the UN, but I believe may have been secretly setting up North Korean Communist Spy Networks, or reporting to Russia/North Korea South Korea's defence capabilities etc in preparation for the 1950 invasion. What ever he was doing he was up to no good and also Christiansen. I believe the cable is part of Milners communication to Christiansen ordering a Radio Network for "Keijo K16", the airforce base, or he is advising Christiansen what type of communications exist at the base so Christiansen and others can build interception devices. The FBI in New York hold a file on Milner and refuse to release it. Also in 1948 The future Australian Attorney General Dr Evatt, who is now also 'suspected' of being a Russian spy, was Secretary of the UN. He and Milner worked together in the UN and in the Department of External Affairs in Canberra. Australia was 'leaking' so much that America stopped sharing classified information with it for some time. In about June 1948 two Aust. Army Officers were visiting with Christiansen looking at radios etc when Christiansen and a Dr Green took them for coffee and tried to extract secret army radio codes from them. The two Officers reported back to their Commander on what had happened and Aust Army Intelligence then demanded an investigation in Christiansen & Green. Up to that point, another secret Australia Communist spy (O yes there were 1000's!) by the name of Alfred Hughes (Russian Code Name 'Ben') was in charge of the Commonwealth Investigation Service's branch in Sydney looking at and checking out Communists! The CIS was the forerunner leading to the establishment of ASIO in January 1949. Up till the 2 Army Officers complaint, Hughes had managed to sweep a lot 'under the carpet' but this time he was unable to do much because Army Intelligence (?Naser) had taken control, that lead to the fourth line in the code: "Naser beset c" The small 'c' is clearly defined and written in the Omar code and is the way the Russians codes referred to Clayton. Beset of course means to harass. If Army Intelligence got onto Christiansen & Green, Clayton 'c' would be next in line. Milner defected behind the iron curtain just before the start of the Korean war and lived there for the rest of his life.
Line number 5: Soon Open 5? Omer. This is self explanatory when the Australian Spy Network got an order to “soon open Omar” they obviously had to open their probably special, secret Communist printed Omar Books and follow their instruction regarding verse 5? I am not absolutely sure it is a 5 but believe when one looks at verse 5 in Omar it talks about hiding things and burying them in the sand. Clayton spent most of his time organising clandestine meetings and organising hiding places for illegal Communist equipment, coordinating it with secret Communist members. He had a network of secret drops and hiding places and delivery services and used codes. He mixed with known KGB Agents in Sydney and Canberra. It is reported at one stage he had an illegal Communist printing press ‘buried in a ‘chook’ (chicken) yard. In 1947/48 the Communist Party of Australia tried to buy a small exporting business in Sydney. This would have been ideal for the exporting of illegal radios etc. The other reason it might be a 5 is Europeans usually write their 7′s with one or two small strokes through the 7, I think this might have been done to a 5 by its Russian writer to distinguish between a 5 and a S. The Omar code is a very crude substitution code made up by Clayton. The Russians had top secret codes, they were only sent to their Embassies around the world. In those Embassies only one or two trusted people could read them, those trustees then worked out who the cable was for, and in the Russian Canberra Embassy it was then translated into the Code Clayton had made up and sent to that person. There is no way the Russians would allow all and sundry, particularly the spy networks to have their top secret codes. It was too dangerous, America would have had it in no time. So the Omar Code is actually a Clayton’s code, the values are this:
5 Line: Soon Open 5? Omar. This is self explanatory, when the Australian Spy Network got an order to "Soon open ?5 Omar" they obviously had to open their probably special, secret Communist printed, Omar Books and follow their Instructions regarding verse 5. I am not absolutely sure it is a 5, but believe when one looks at verse 5 in Omar it talks about hiding things and burying them in the sand. Clayton spent most of his time organising clandestine meetings and hiding places for illegal Communist equipmen with secret Communist members. He had a network of drops and hiding places and delivery services & CODES. He mixed with known Russian KGB agents in Sydney. It is reported that at one stage he had an illegal Communist Printing Press buried in a 'chook' (Chicken) Yard. In 1947/8 the Communist Party of Australia tried to buy a small Export Business in Sydney. This would have been ideal for the exporting of their illegal radios etc. The other reason it might be a 5 is Europeans usually write their 7's with one or two small strokes thru it, I think the same has been done by the Russian that wrote the 5 so it didn't get mixed up with an S. This code is a very crude substitution code made up by Clayton. The Russians had top secret codes, they were only sent to one or two trusted people in each Embassy around the world. When the Secret cables arrived the person receiving them in the Russian Embassy in Canberra then worked out who they were to go to in the Spy Network and the top secret code was then transferred into Claytons made up code. There is NO WAY the Russians would ever allow their secret codes to be given to all the spy networks, too dangerous, America would have had it in no time. So the code got tranformed into Claytons Code the value is this:
Code Letter A=E, B=R, R=U, M=N, G=M, O=B, T=O, S=P, L=A, Q=T, c=Clayton, E=J, P=K, D=G, I=S, N=I
Code Letter A = E (also 1) B = R (also 2) R=U M=N G=M O=B T=O S=P L=A Q=T c=Clayton E=J P=K (also 16) D= 4 I=S N=I
I believe the line that divides the code represents that the top half above the line is an actual (or part of) Venona Cable Number 124, while the lines below line are internal warnings to the Australian Spy Network. The original Omar went missing and it is my bet it is locked up in a big safe in some organisations basement. I am not the first to break this code, Australian Security broke it about 9 months after Somerton Man was found.
I believe the line that divides the code represents that the top half above the line is an actual (or part of) Venona Cable No 124, while the lines below are an internal warning to the Australia Spy Group. The original Omar associated with this case went missing and it is my bet it is locked up in a big safe in some organisations basement.
As I have deciphered this code word by word into English, logically and statistically there can be no other word interpretation. Save your time searching codes, it’s home-made, and very crude to say the least.
As I have deciphered this code word by word into English. Logically and statistically there can be no other word interpretation. Save your time searching the codes, its homemade and very crude to say the least.
Another very strange incident in all of this is: When the Somerton Man's suitcase was found at the luggage section at the Adelaide Railway Station (unclaimed) there was a luggage tag attached to the case, it read the date of lodgement of the case, 30th November 1948, and the lodgement number BUT written in pencil across the top of the label in large letters was the number K 16.
You will need to read this a few times to understand its complexities. None of Claytons Australian Communist Spy Ring members were convicted of anything, let alone treason. This was because to convict them, the contents of the Venona Cables would have had to be released. At that time the world was teetering on an Atomic War, and there was no way the Americans wanted Russia to know it was reading their secret codes. So everything had to be hidden about the Omar code. A lot of the spies lived full and happy lives in Australia, some still waited for the next Communist revolution. Christiansen repeatedly visited China and they loved him. Hughes left the Security Services and rejoined the New South Wales Police where he worked till he retired. Clayton dreampt of a new revolution, went ‘fishing’ when his spy ring was exposed (but not the Venona Cables) in a Royal Commission, and went into hiding when the Omar book was found six months after the Somerton Beach man was found. He lived till he was 90 spending most of his ‘retirement’ fishing. He died in 1997. Milner defected behind the Iron Curtain just before the outbreak of the Korean War and lived there for the rest of his life, never returning to the West. The Somerton Man’s identify had to be hidden for all the reasons above, there was a world war threat, and there was no way the ‘Powers that be’ were going to release his name and the code in his Omar book. I think I might?? know who the Somerton Man is, but need help because the information needed needs to come from Russia.
You will need to read this a few times to understand its complexities. There was not one Aust Communist Spy convicted in Claytons Spy Ring, and this was because to convict them the Venona Cables would have had to be publicly released and the 'powers that be' were not prepared to do that. A lot of the spies lived a full and happy life and some still waited for the next Communist Revolution. Christiansen visited China repeatedly and they Loved him. Clayton 'went fishing' when his spy ring was exposed and in hiding when the Omar Khayyam was found, he died in 1997 aged 90. The Somerton Man's identify had to be hidden or else again the Venona Codes would have been exposed. I personally believe at this stage he was a possible KGB agent working as a Russian Ballet dancer things seem to point to this but as yet I have no proof. I have someone in mind but need help to identify and expose him as the information must come from Russia
Finally the Russian that wrote the code made a spelling mistake in the last line of the code he has spelt Omar as OmEr.
Finally the Russian has made a spelling mistake in the last line of the code, he has spelt Omar as OmEr.