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cefclient.exe imports /DEBUG flag diff

Created Diff never expires
205 removals
583 lines
179 additions
558 lines
Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.25.28614.0
Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.25.28614.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Dump of file cefclient.exe
Dump of file cefclient.exe


Section contains the following imports:
Section contains the following imports:

140159C38 Import Address Table
1402FF020 Import Address Table
14019DD08 Import Name Table
14042A0E8 Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference
0 Index of first forwarder reference

0 cef_create_temp_directory_in_directory
0 cef_directory_exists
0 cef_delete_file
0 cef_zip_directory
0 cef_load_crlsets_file
0 cef_load_crlsets_file
0 cef_add_cross_origin_whitelist_entry
0 cef_remove_cross_origin_whitelist_entry
0 cef_clear_cross_origin_whitelist
0 cef_parse_url
0 cef_parse_url
0 cef_create_url
0 cef_format_url_for_security_display
0 cef_get_mime_type
0 cef_get_mime_type
0 cef_get_extensions_for_mime_type
0 cef_base64encode
0 cef_base64encode
0 cef_base64decode
0 cef_uriencode
0 cef_uriencode
0 cef_uridecode
0 cef_parse_json
0 cef_parse_json
0 cef_parse_jsonand_return_error
0 cef_parse_jsonand_return_error
0 cef_write_json
0 cef_write_json
0 cef_get_path
0 cef_get_path
0 cef_launch_process
0 cef_is_cert_status_error
0 cef_begin_tracing
0 cef_begin_tracing
0 cef_end_tracing
0 cef_end_tracing
0 cef_now_from_system_trace_time
0 cef_visit_web_plugin_info
0 cef_visit_web_plugin_info
0 cef_refresh_web_plugins
0 cef_unregister_internal_web_plugin
0 cef_register_web_plugin_crash
0 cef_is_web_plugin_unstable
0 cef_register_widevine_cdm
0 cef_register_widevine_cdm
0 cef_execute_java_script_with_user_gesture_for_tests
0 cef_image_create
0 cef_image_create
0 cef_value_create
0 cef_value_create
0 cef_dictionary_value_create
0 cef_dictionary_value_create
0 cef_list_value_create
0 cef_list_value_create
0 cef_request_context_get_global_context
0 cef_request_context_get_global_context
0 cef_request_context_create_context
0 cef_request_context_create_context
0 cef_create_context_shared
0 cef_create_context_shared
0 cef_string_multimap_alloc
0 cef_string_multimap_alloc
0 cef_string_multimap_free
0 cef_string_multimap_free
0 cef_server_create
0 cef_server_create
0 cef_stream_reader_create_for_file
0 cef_stream_reader_create_for_data
0 cef_stream_reader_create_for_data
0 cef_stream_reader_create_for_handler
0 cef_stream_reader_create_for_handler
0 cef_request_create
0 cef_request_create
0 cef_post_data_create
0 cef_post_data_create
0 cef_post_data_element_create
0 cef_post_data_element_create
0 cef_cookie_manager_get_global_manager
0 cef_cookie_manager_get_global_manager
0 cef_process_message_create
0 cef_process_message_create
0 cef_v8value_create_undefined
0 cef_v8value_create_undefined
0 cef_v8value_create_null
0 cef_v8value_create_null
0 cef_v8value_create_bool
0 cef_v8value_create_bool
0 cef_v8value_create_int
0 cef_v8value_create_int
0 cef_v8value_create_uint
0 cef_v8value_create_uint
0 cef_v8value_create_double
0 cef_v8value_create_double
0 cef_v8value_create_date
0 cef_v8value_create_date
0 cef_v8value_create_string
0 cef_v8value_create_string
0 cef_v8value_create_object
0 cef_v8value_create_object
0 cef_get_temp_directory
0 cef_v8value_create_array_buffer
0 cef_v8value_create_array_buffer
0 cef_v8value_create_function
0 cef_v8value_create_function
0 cef_v8context_get_current_context
0 cef_v8context_get_current_context
0 cef_v8context_get_entered_context
0 cef_v8context_in_context
0 cef_browser_host_create_browser
0 cef_browser_host_create_browser
0 cef_browser_host_create_browser_sync
0 cef_stream_writer_create_for_file
0 cef_stream_writer_create_for_handler
0 cef_stream_writer_create_for_handler
0 cef_drag_data_create
0 cef_drag_data_create
0 cef_menu_model_create
0 cef_menu_model_create
0 cef_menu_button_create
0 cef_menu_button_create
0 cef_panel_create
0 cef_panel_create
0 cef_browser_view_create
0 cef_browser_view_create
0 cef_browser_view_get_for_browser
0 cef_browser_view_get_for_browser
0 cef_label_button_create
0 cef_label_button_create
0 cef_textfield_create
0 cef_textfield_create
0 cef_window_create_top_level
0 cef_window_create_top_level
0 cef_string_list_size
0 cef_string_list_size
0 cef_string_list_value
0 cef_string_list_value
0 cef_string_list_append
0 cef_string_list_append
0 cef_string_map_size
0 cef_string_map_size
0 cef_string_map_key
0 cef_string_map_key
0 cef_string_map_value
0 cef_string_map_value
0 cef_string_map_append
0 cef_string_map_append
0 cef_string_multimap_size
0 cef_string_multimap_size
0 cef_string_multimap_key
0 cef_string_multimap_key
0 cef_string_multimap_value
0 cef_string_multimap_value
0 cef_string_multimap_append
0 cef_string_multimap_append
0 cef_binary_value_create
0 cef_media_router_get_global
0 cef_task_runner_get_for_current_thread
0 cef_task_runner_get_for_thread
0 cef_scroll_view_create
0 cef_display_get_primary
0 cef_display_get_nearest_point
0 cef_display_get_matching_bounds
0 cef_display_get_count
0 cef_display_get_alls
0 cef_urlrequest_create
0 cef_zip_reader_create
0 cef_v8stack_trace_get_current
0 cef_response_create
0 cef_print_settings_create
0 cef_string_list_free
0 cef_string_list_free
0 cef_string_list_alloc
0 cef_string_list_alloc
0 cef_string_userfree_utf16_free
0 cef_string_userfree_utf16_free
0 cef_create_directory
0 cef_set_crash_key_value
0 cef_set_crash_key_value
0 cef_string_wide_to_utf8
0 cef_log
0 cef_log
0 cef_string_utf16_clear
0 cef_string_utf16_clear
0 cef_string_utf8_to_utf16
0 cef_string_utf8_to_utf16
0 cef_string_utf16_to_utf8
0 cef_string_utf16_to_utf8
0 cef_string_utf16_set
0 cef_string_utf16_set
0 cef_string_utf16_cmp
0 cef_string_utf16_cmp
0 cef_time_to_timet
0 cef_time_to_timet
0 cef_get_min_log_level
0 cef_get_min_log_level
0 cef_time_now
0 cef_time_now
0 cef_time_delta
0 cef_time_delta
0 cef_get_current_platform_thread_id
0 cef_get_current_platform_thread_id
0 cef_string_utf16_to_lower
0 cef_string_utf16_to_lower
0 cef_crash_reporting_enabled
0 cef_crash_reporting_enabled
0 cef_enable_highdpi_support
0 cef_enable_highdpi_support
0 cef_set_osmodal_loop
0 cef_set_osmodal_loop
0 cef_quit_message_loop
0 cef_quit_message_loop
0 cef_run_message_loop
0 cef_run_message_loop
0 cef_do_message_loop_work
0 cef_do_message_loop_work
0 cef_shutdown
0 cef_shutdown
0 cef_initialize
0 cef_initialize
0 cef_execute_process
0 cef_execute_process
0 cef_clear_scheme_handler_factories
0 cef_create_new_temp_directory
0 cef_register_scheme_handler_factory
0 cef_register_scheme_handler_factory
0 cef_register_extension
0 cef_post_delayed_task
0 cef_post_delayed_task
0 cef_post_task
0 cef_post_task
0 cef_currently_on
0 cef_currently_on
0 cef_api_hash
0 cef_api_hash
0 cef_command_line_get_global
0 cef_command_line_get_global
0 cef_command_line_create
0 cef_command_line_create
0 cef_string_map_free
0 cef_string_map_free
0 cef_v8value_create_array
0 cef_v8value_create_array
0 cef_string_map_alloc
0 cef_string_map_alloc
0 cef_string_utf8_clear
0 cef_string_utf8_clear

140159BE8 Import Address Table
1402FEFB8 Import Address Table
14019DCB8 Import Name Table
14042A080 Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference
0 Index of first forwarder reference

6 D3D11CreateDevice
6 D3D11CreateDevice

1401591C0 Import Address Table
1402FE218 Import Address Table
14019D290 Import Name Table
1404292E0 Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference
0 Index of first forwarder reference

6B ImmReleaseContext
6B ImmReleaseContext
1B ImmAssociateContextEx
1B ImmAssociateContextEx
39 ImmGetCompositionStringW
39 ImmGetCompositionStringW
64 ImmNotifyIME
64 ImmNotifyIME
3B ImmGetContext
3B ImmGetContext
72 ImmSetCandidateWindow
72 ImmSetCandidateWindow

140159790 Import Address Table
1402FEA70 Import Address Table
14019D860 Import Name Table
140429B38 Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference
0 Index of first forwarder reference

87 glHint
87 glHint
95 glInterleavedArrays
95 glInterleavedArrays
A2 glLineWidth
A2 glLineWidth
A4 glLoadIdentity
A4 glLoadIdentity
B5 glMatrixMode
B5 glMatrixMode
C4 glOrtho
C4 glOrtho
CA glPixelStorei
CA glPixelStorei
D2 glPopAttrib
D2 glPopAttrib
D4 glPopMatrix
D4 glPopMatrix
51 glEnd
51 glEnd
D9 glPushMatrix
D9 glPushMatrix
FF glRotatef
FF glRotatef
129 glTexEnvf
129 glTexEnvf
134 glTexImage2D
134 glTexImage2D
137 glTexParameteri
137 glTexParameteri
13A glTexSubImage2D
13A glTexSubImage2D
13F glVertex2f
13F glVertex2f
141 glVertex2i
141 glVertex2i
4F glEnable
4F glEnable
159 wglCreateContext
159 wglCreateContext
15B wglDeleteContext
15B wglDeleteContext
164 wglMakeCurrent
164 wglMakeCurrent
48 glDrawArrays
48 glDrawArrays
46 glDisable
46 glDisable
42 glDeleteTextures
42 glDeleteTextures
2B glColor4f
2B glColor4f
1B glColor3f
1B glColor3f
12 glClearColor
12 glClearColor
10 glClear
10 glClear
D glBlendFunc
D glBlendFunc
B glBindTexture
B glBindTexture
A glBegin
A glBegin
69 glGenTextures
69 glGenTextures
D7 glPushAttrib
D7 glPushAttrib
156 glViewport
156 glViewport

140159760 Import Address Table
1402FEA00 Import Address Table
14019D830 Import Name Table
140429AC8 Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference
0 Index of first forwarder reference

18 LresultFromObject
18 LresultFromObject
6 AccessibleObjectFromWindow
6 AccessibleObjectFromWindow

140159BF8 Import Address Table
1402FEFC8 Import Address Table
14019DCC8 Import Name Table
14042A090 Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference
0 Index of first forwarder reference

7E SymGetModuleBase64
2B StackWalk64
89 SymGetSearchPathW
89 SymGetSearchPathW
A3 SymInitialize
A3 SymInitialize
C0 SymSetOptions
C0 SymSetOptions
59 SymFromAddr
59 SymFromAddr
C6 SymSetSearchPathW
C6 SymSetSearchPathW
64 SymFunctionTableAccess64
6C SymGetLineFromAddr64
6C SymGetLineFromAddr64
34 SymCleanup
34 SymCleanup

Text moved with changes from lines 392-397 (93.4% similarity)
1402FEB90 Import Address Table
140429C58 Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference

25 PowerDeterminePlatformRoleEx

1402FEBA0 Import Address Table
140429C68 Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference

Text moved from lines 510-530
9 InitPropVariantFromCLSID

1402FEBB0 Import Address Table
140429C78 Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference

140 SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo
55 CM_Get_Device_IDW
154 SetupDiGetClassDevsW

1402FEF68 Import Address Table
14042A030 Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference

7 GetFileVersionInfoSizeW
8 GetFileVersionInfoW
10 VerQueryValueW

140159BD8 Import Address Table
1402FEF88 Import Address Table
14019DCA8 Import Name Table
14042A050 Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference
0 Index of first forwarder reference

8A timeGetTime
8A timeGetTime
87 timeEndPeriod
86 timeBeginPeriod

1401591F8 Import Address Table
1402FE250 Import Address Table
14019D2C8 Import Name Table
140429318 Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference
0 Index of first forwarder reference

355 HeapReAlloc
355 HeapReAlloc
228 GetDateFormatW
131 EncodePointer
131 EncodePointer
1AD FormatMessageW
352 HeapFree
352 HeapFree
34E HeapAlloc
34E HeapAlloc
260 GetFullPathNameW
260 GetFullPathNameW
236 GetDriveTypeW
236 GetDriveTypeW
370 InterlockedFlushSList
372 InterlockedPushEntrySList
4DC RtlPcToFileHeader
4DC RtlPcToFileHeader
4E0 RtlUnwindEx
4E0 RtlUnwindEx
41C OutputDebugStringW
41C OutputDebugStringW
36C InitializeSListHead
36C InitializeSListHead
1DD GetCommandLineW
1DD GetCommandLineW
369 InitializeCriticalSectionEx
369 InitializeCriticalSectionEx
27E GetModuleHandleW
27E GetModuleHandleW
10A DecodePointer
10A DecodePointer
466 RaiseException
466 RaiseException
267 GetLastError
267 GetLastError
111 DeleteCriticalSection
111 DeleteCriticalSection
2B5 GetProcAddress
2B5 GetProcAddress
3C7 LoadLibraryW
3C7 LoadLibraryW
336 GlobalAlloc
336 GlobalAlloc
345 GlobalSize
345 GlobalSize
348 GlobalUnlock
348 GlobalUnlock
341 GlobalLock
341 GlobalLock
5D0 VerSetConditionMask
5D0 VerSetConditionMask
5D4 VerifyVersionInfoW
5D4 VerifyVersionInfoW
53F SetLastError
53F SetLastError
58B Sleep
58B Sleep
3CA LoadResource
3CA LoadResource
3DE LockResource
3DE LockResource
58A SizeofResource
58A SizeofResource
19C FindResourceW
19C FindResourceW
450 QueryPerformanceCounter
450 QueryPerformanceCounter
451 QueryPerformanceFrequency
451 QueryPerformanceFrequency
1AC FormatMessageA
1AC FormatMessageA
135 EnterCriticalSection
135 EnterCriticalSection
3C0 LeaveCriticalSection
3C0 LeaveCriticalSection
368 InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount
368 InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount
5B5 TryEnterCriticalSection
27B GetModuleHandleA
27B GetModuleHandleA
356 HeapSetInformation
356 HeapSetInformation
221 GetCurrentThread
221 GetCurrentThread
21D GetCurrentProcess
21D GetCurrentProcess
D0 CreateIoCompletionPort
D0 CreateIoCompletionPort
BF CreateEventW
BF CreateEventW
F2 CreateThread
F2 CreateThread
4CA ResetEvent
4CA ResetEvent
2D1 GetQueuedCompletionStatus
2D1 GetQueuedCompletionStatus
5C5 UnregisterWait
5C5 UnregisterWait
524 SetEvent
524 SetEvent
4AD RegisterWaitForSingleObject
4AD RegisterWaitForSingleObject
599 TerminateJobObject
599 TerminateJobObject
426 PostQueuedCompletionStatus
426 PostQueuedCompletionStatus
5E6 WaitForSingleObject
5E6 WaitForSingleObject
12F DuplicateHandle
12F DuplicateHandle
53C SetInformationJobObject
53C SetInformationJobObject
222 GetCurrentThreadId
222 GetCurrentThreadId
59A TerminateProcess
59A TerminateProcess
31C GetUserDefaultLangID
31C GetUserDefaultLangID
31B GetUserDefaultLCID
31B GetUserDefaultLCID
31D GetUserDefaultLocaleName
31D GetUserDefaultLocaleName
158 EnumSystemLocalesEx
158 EnumSystemLocalesEx
351 HeapDestroy
351 HeapDestroy
30E GetTickCount
30E GetTickCount
324 GetVersionExW
324 GetVersionExW
2CA GetProductInfo
2CA GetProductInfo
28B GetNativeSystemInfo
28B GetNativeSystemInfo
394 IsWow64Process
394 IsWow64Process
3D2 LocalFree
3D2 LocalFree
21E GetCurrentProcessId
21E GetCurrentProcessId
432 ProcessIdToSessionId
432 ProcessIdToSessionId
382 IsDebuggerPresent
382 IsDebuggerPresent
86 CloseHandle
86 CloseHandle
303 GetThreadId
303 GetThreadId
56B SetThreadPriority
56B SetThreadPriority
308 GetThreadPriority
308 GetThreadPriority
116 DeleteFileW
41B OutputDebugStringA
41B OutputDebugStringA
621 WriteFile
621 WriteFile
27A GetModuleFileNameW
27A GetModuleFileNameW
CB CreateFileW
CB CreateFileW
2D9 GetStdHandle
2D9 GetStdHandle
268 GetLocalTime
268 GetLocalTime
367 InitializeCriticalSection
367 InitializeCriticalSection
255 GetFileType
255 GetFileType
53B SetHandleInformation
53B SetHandleInformation
117 DeleteProcThreadAttributeList
117 DeleteProcThreadAttributeList
36B InitializeProcThreadAttributeList
36B InitializeProcThreadAttributeList
5C9 UpdateProcThreadAttribute
5C9 UpdateProcThreadAttribute
5C6 UnregisterWaitEx
5C6 UnregisterWaitEx
24 AssignProcessToJobObject
24 AssignProcessToJobObject
62A WriteProcessMemory
62A WriteProcessMemory
C8 CreateFileMappingW
C8 CreateFileMappingW
3E1 MapViewOfFile
3E1 MapViewOfFile
21F GetCurrentProcessorNumber
21F GetCurrentProcessorNumber
560 SetThreadAffinityMask
560 SetThreadAffinityMask
5D8 VirtualFree
5D8 VirtualFree
2BA GetProcessHandleCount
2BA GetProcessHandleCount
2BC GetProcessHeaps
2BC GetProcessHeaps
589 SignalObjectAndWait
589 SignalObjectAndWait
1F0 GetConsoleCP
1F0 GetConsoleCP
24C GetFileAttributesW
24C GetFileAttributesW
448 QueryDosDeviceW
448 QueryDosDeviceW
274 GetLongPathNameW
274 GetLongPathNameW
5DC VirtualProtectEx
5DC VirtualProtectEx
5D6 VirtualAllocEx
5D6 VirtualAllocEx
5D9 VirtualFreeEx
5D9 VirtualFreeEx
47A ReadProcessMemory
47A ReadProcessMemory
39A K32EnumProcessModules
3C6 LoadLibraryExW
3C6 LoadLibraryExW
1B1 FreeLibrary
1B1 FreeLibrary
27D GetModuleHandleExW
27D GetModuleHandleExW
4B6 ReleaseSRWLockExclusive
4B6 ReleaseSRWLockExclusive
2F0 GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
2F0 GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
5B7 TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime
596 SystemTimeToFileTime
170 FileTimeToSystemTime
597 SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime
455 QueryThreadCycleTime
455 QueryThreadCycleTime
DC CreateNamedPipeW
DC CreateNamedPipeW
E5 CreateProcessW
E5 CreateProcessW
E7 CreateRemoteThread
E7 CreateRemoteThread
D2 CreateJobObjectW
D2 CreateJobObjectW
DA CreateMutexW
DA CreateMutexW
5BF UnmapViewOfFile
5BF UnmapViewOfFile
645 lstrcmpiA
52B SetFileAttributesW
4BD RemoveDirectoryW
3EB MoveFileExW
3EE MoveFileW
4C6 ReplaceFileW
BA CreateDirectoryW
2FD GetTempPathW
257 GetFinalPathNameByHandleW
26D GetLogicalDriveStringsW
CF CreateHardLinkW
249 GetFileAttributesExW
477 ReadFile
477 ReadFile
517 SetCurrentDirectoryW
517 SetCurrentDirectoryW
32B GetVolumePathNameW
327 GetVolumeInformationW
AD CopyFileW
5AE TlsGetValue
5AE TlsGetValue
5B3 TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive
5B3 TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive
0 AcquireSRWLockExclusive
0 AcquireSRWLockExclusive
2BD GetProcessId
FB CreateToolhelp32Snapshot
42F Process32FirstW
431 Process32NextW
5D5 VirtualAlloc
1A8 FlushViewOfFile
410 OpenProcess
2C5 GetProcessTimes
2C5 GetProcessTimes
243 GetExitCodeProcess
2AA GetPriorityClass
549 SetPriorityClass
57B SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
57B SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
4D4 RtlCaptureStackBackTrace
4D4 RtlCaptureStackBackTrace
343 GlobalMemoryStatusEx
22F GetDiskFreeSpaceExW
4E6 SearchPathW
4E6 SearchPathW
64F lstrlenW
64F lstrlenW
107 DebugBreak
107 DebugBreak
531 SetFilePointerEx
531 SetFilePointerEx
253 GetFileSizeEx
253 GetFileSizeEx
51E SetEndOfFile
51E SetEndOfFile
534 SetFileTime
24E GetFileInformationByHandle
3DD LockFileEx
5BE UnlockFileEx
52E SetFileInformationByHandle
1A5 FlushFileBuffers
1A5 FlushFileBuffers
17B FindClose
17B FindClose
192 FindNextFileW
192 FindNextFileW
181 FindFirstFileExW
181 FindFirstFileExW
32F GetWindowsDirectoryW
2E7 GetSystemDirectoryW
5AC TlsAlloc
5AC TlsAlloc
5AD TlsFree
5AD TlsFree
5AF TlsSetValue
5AF TlsSetValue
5DD VirtualQuery
5DD VirtualQuery
3B0 K32QueryWorkingSetEx
3B0 K32QueryWorkingSetEx
353 HeapLock
35B HeapWalk
359 HeapUnlock
2C0 GetProcessIoCounters
2EA GetSystemInfo
3A8 K32GetPerformanceInfo
60D WideCharToMultiByte
60D WideCharToMultiByte
595 SwitchToThread
595 SwitchToThread
5E4 WaitForMultipleObjects
92 CloseThreadpoolWork
8C CloseThreadpool
F3 CreateThreadpool
573 SetThreadpoolThreadMinimum
572 SetThreadpoolThreadMaximum
F8 CreateThreadpoolWork
5EB WaitForThreadpoolWorkCallbacks
592 SubmitThreadpoolWork
6F CallbackMayRunLong
27C GetModuleHandleExA
364 InitializeConditionVariable
58D SleepConditionVariableSRW
5EE WakeAllConditionVariable
5EF WakeConditionVariable
5DB VirtualProtect
3C5 LoadLibraryExA
202 GetConsoleMode
202 GetConsoleMode
4F7 SetConsoleCtrlHandler
164 ExitProcess
164 ExitProcess
557 SetStdHandle
557 SetStdHandle
168 ExpandEnvironmentStringsW
168 ExpandEnvironmentStringsW
313 GetTimeFormatW
390 IsValidLocale
390 IsValidLocale
159 EnumSystemLocalesW
159 EnumSystemLocalesW
474 ReadConsoleW
474 ReadConsoleW
315 GetTimeZoneInformation
3F2 MultiByteToWideChar
3F2 MultiByteToWideChar
9B CompareStringW
3B4 LCMapStringW
3B4 LCMapStringW
26B GetLocaleInfoW
26B GetLocaleInfoW
2DE GetStringTypeW
2DE GetStringTypeW
1C7 GetCPInfo
1C7 GetCPInfo
4D3 RtlCaptureContext
4D3 RtlCaptureContext
4DA RtlLookupFunctionEntry
4DA RtlLookupFunctionEntry
4E1 RtlVirtualUnwind
4E1 RtlVirtualUnwind
5BC UnhandledExceptionFilter
5BC UnhandledExceptionFilter
389 IsProcessorFeaturePresent
389 IsProcessorFeaturePresent
5E7 WaitForSingleObjectEx
5E7 WaitForSingleObjectEx
2BB GetProcessHeap
2BB GetProcessHeap
38E IsValidCodePage
38E IsValidCodePage
1B8 GetACP
1B8 GetACP
1DC GetCommandLineA
1DC GetCommandLineA
23E GetEnvironmentStringsW
23E GetEnvironmentStringsW
1B0 FreeEnvironmentStringsW
1B0 FreeEnvironmentStringsW
522 SetEnvironmentVariableW
357 HeapSize
357 HeapSize
620 WriteConsoleW
620 WriteConsoleW
217 GetCurrentDirectoryW
217 GetCurrentDirectoryW
4DF RtlUnwind
4DF RtlUnwind
2D7 GetStartupInfoW
2D7 GetStartupInfoW

Text moved with changes to lines 254-259 (93.4% similarity)
1401598D0 Import Address Table
1402FEC18 Import Address Table
14019D9A0 Import Name Table
140429CE0 Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference

31B SetCaretPos
AE DestroyCaret
5F CreateCaret
306 ScreenToClient
2DE RegisterClipboardFormatW
294 NotifyWinEvent
190 GetParent
1E8 GetWindowLongW
2B7 PtInRect
356 SetRect
4D ClientToScreen
133 GetClientRect
65 CreateDesktopW
352 SetProcessWindowStation
7B CreateWindowStationW
1AD GetProcessWindowStation
1CB GetThreadDesktop
220 InvalidateRect
157 GetFocus
22F IsDialogMessageW
3A6 TranslateAcceleratorW
250 LoadAcceleratorsW
B5 DestroyWindow
76 CreateWindowExW
2DB RegisterClassExW
2AE PostQuitMessage
A7 DefWindowProcW
2AD PostMessageW
1D7 GetUserObjectInformationW
54 CloseWindowStation
50 CloseDesktop
168 GetKeyState
265 LoadStringW
24E KillTimer
367 SetTimer
11E GetAncestor
18B GetMonitorInfoW
BD DispatchMessageW
3A8 TranslateMessage
189 GetMessageW
2F7 RegisterWindowMessageW
34A SetParent
1E7 GetWindowLongPtrW
24B IsWindowVisible
377 SetWindowPos
388 ShowWindow
28E MonitorFromRect
376 SetWindowPlacement
1ED GetWindowPlacement
F7 EnumChildWindows
374 SetWindowLongPtrW
23B IsRectEmpty
4 AdjustWindowRectEx
37C SetWindowTextW
2FF RemovePropW
1B0 GetPropW
355 SetPropW
3C2 UpdateWindow
2FD RemoveMenu
1C1 GetSubMenu
340 SetMenu
177 GetMenu
247 IsWindowEnabled
EF EnableWindow
F2 EndDialog
BA DialogBoxParamW
F0 EndDeferWindowPos
A8 DeferWindowPos
10 BeginDeferWindowPos
21 CallWindowProcW
258 LoadIconW
256 LoadCursorW
31E SetClassLongPtrW
3DE WindowFromPoint
141 GetCursorPos
325 SetCursor
F4 EndPaint
11 BeginPaint
1C6 GetSystemMetrics
2F8 ReleaseCapture
319 SetCapture
125 GetCapture
2F4 RegisterTouchWindow
52 CloseTouchInputHandle
1D1 GetTouchInputInfo
3D1 VkKeyScanExW
334 SetFocus
150 GetDoubleClickTime
315 SendMessageW
186 GetMessageExtraInfo
188 GetMessageTime
3A1 TrackMouseEvent
169 GetKeyboardLayout
2F9 ReleaseDC
142 GetDC
245 IsWindow

140159160 Import Address Table
14019D230 Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference

381 SetPixelFormat
276 GetDeviceCaps
385 SetRectRgn
314 PtInRegion
17F DeleteObject
53 CreateRectRgn
44 CreateFontW
22 CombineRgn
5A CreateSolidBrush
39C SwapBuffers
Text moved to lines 267-287
19 ChoosePixelFormat

1401598B0 Import Address Table
14019D980 Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference

28 DragQueryFileW
24 DragFinish
158 SHGetFolderPathW

140159F60 Import Address Table
14019E030 Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference

8C CoTaskMemFree
B4 DoDragDrop
1D9 ReleaseStgMedium
1D8 RegisterDragDrop
1DB RevokeDragDrop
8B CoTaskMemAlloc

140159778 Import Address Table
14019D848 Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference

Ordinal 6
Ordinal 2

140159150 Import Address Table
14019D220 Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference

8 FindTextW

140159000 Import Address Table
14019D0D0 Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference
0 Index of first forwarder reference

2D8 SetEntriesInAclW
2A9 PeekMessageW
F1 DuplicateTokenEx
14A GetKernelObjectSecurity
2DF SetKernelObjectSecurity
137 GetAce
134 FreeSid
18B ImpersonateLoggedOnUser
200 MapGenericMask
157 GetNamedSecurityInfoW
19E IsValidSid
11A EqualSid
5 AccessCheck
2C1 RevertToSelf
274 RegDisablePredefinedCache
28C RegOpenKeyExW
25B RegCloseKey
81 ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW
162 GetSecurityDescriptorSacl
2ED SetSecurityInfo
83 ConvertStringSidToSidW
8B CreateProcessAsUserW
14B GetLengthSid
2F4 SetTokenInformation
215 OpenProcessToken
170 GetTokenInformation
323 SystemFunct